Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to the most common questions we receive on our interventional treatments in these video FAQs, including information on TMS, SPRAVATO (esketamine) nasal spray, and the way our telepsychiatry/video appointments work. Here you’ll also find details on our various treatment programs for mental health conditions such as as OCD, Pain Management, Memory Disorders, and Adolescent Depression.
If you still can’t find an answer to our question, please call us at 866-788-5241.
Esketamine is a prescription nasal spray that is administered in our offices under the supervision of a healthcare provider. Esketamine can only be administered in a certified treatment clinic that has medical staff trained to prescribe and dispense esketamine and is Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) certified. Esketamine is FDA-approved and covered by most major insurances.
Telepsychiatry FAQs
Video appointments are safe, easy, and allow you to get help from home. Before your appointment, it’s important for you to find a quiet, private space with minimal distractions. If you need to sit in your car because this offers you the most privacy, that’s fine, but you can’t be in a moving vehicle, and you need to be alone.
TMS for Adolescents
If you suspect your teenager may be suffering from depression, talk to them about how they are feeling – and see if you notice any changes in their patterns, moods, or eating habits. Be sure to talk to your doctor about any concerns. We treat adolescents with various medication approaches and with TMS, a safe, effective treatment used on adolescents – generally over fifteen – with depression and who have tried medications without success or may want a treatment without side effects.
TMS for Depression
TMS has been FDA-cleared for depression since 2008, and is a safe, effective treatment that doesn’t have the side effects of many medications. During each treatment session, you sit in a comfortable chair and can listen to music, watch TV, or talk to the technician. Following treatment, you can immediately resume your regular activities. TMS is covered by most insurance plans, and we’ll work directly with insurances to advocate for our patients’ coverage.
TMS for Memory Disorders
Experiencing a struggle with your memory or judgement can be disorienting and frightening. Or maybe you’ve noticed your aging parent begin to decline and your worry can take over. Our Memory Disorder program focuses on helping patients with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia that may involve problems with memory, language, thinking and judgement. TMS therapy was cleared by the FDA in 2008 for depression and there is ongoing research that suggests its promise for dementia and to slow the progression of memory loss.
Our OCD treatment plans include discussion of various medication approaches, brain stimulation options such as TMS, reading or self-learning recommendations, lifestyle modifications, education to you and your family about the diagnosis, as well as helping to connect you to other OCD specialized individual therapists or groups. Treatment program aims to provide excellence in assessing and treating OCD and other anxiety disorder such as social anxiety, panic disorder, generalized anxiety, body-focused-repetitive-behaviors, and others.